New Music and Video

Reviews of new music, video, concerts and music festivals.

STREAM new Baxter Hall Single “High Road”

We here at Performer have been big fans of Baxter Hall for a while now, as the Boston-based singer/songwriter/guitarist extraordinaire has been sharing his earnest brand of relatable guitar-fronted alternative music for the past few years. You may have even heard him...

Record Review: Washed Out

Washed Out Within and Without Perry, GA “The chillest of chillwave” Ernest Greene has released three phenomenal EPs under the moniker Washed Out since 2009. The buzz generated by what started out as...

Record Review: Thousands

Thousands Thousands Boston, MA "Meticulously mapped, angular instrumental ferocity" LISTEN NOW: "Braille Teeth" [audio:|titles=Braille...

Record Review: The Soonest

The Soonest Quarters EP Berkeley, CA “San Francisco dream rock with a darker side” The Soonest’s latest release, Quarters EP, exemplifies the phrase, “less is more.” The San Francisco rock band,...

Record Review: The Postelles

The Postelles Self-Titled New York, NY “’50s rock meet ’60s doo-wop and ’90s garage” The Postelles are bringing back the days of sweet and innocent love songs set to buoyant beats. The New...