Hey bands, when you perform live, what type of liability insurance coverage do you have? If you...
how to book a tour
20 Ways to Better Promote College Gigs
What is the secret to being successful in the college entertainment market? Here we provide tips...
COVER STORY: The Dough Rollers on The Importance of Grueling Tours
Having just released their debut EP Gone Baby Gone on Third Man Records, New York blues/rock...
Top Tips For Staying Healthy on Tour
Hint: It Doesn’t Involve Late-Night Drive-Thrus Touring in a fool’s paradise is an unparalleled venture: operating with little to no sleep, drinking without any repercussions, frequenting the...

Think Twice Before Going on Tour Without These Items
Prepare for Unexpected Bumps on the Road Going out on tour for the first time can be fun and exciting, but there are some important things to keep in mind before piling into the van and hitting the...

DIY Touring, or How to Make $14 the Hard Way and Disappoint Your Mom
Tour Advice From Billy Yost of The Kickback There are hard and fast touring rules. If you forgot to bring a towel, for example, cancel everything and burn your life’s possessions. You’re useless and...

How to Tour as a DIY Solo Artist
Just after the New Year, I packed a guitar, a suitcase, merch, and my six-foot-two frame into a white Nissan Versa to begin touring for my new record From Your Bones. Being a solo traveler comes...

Sharon Van Etten Offers Touring Advice for Indie Artists
For Sharon Van Etten, life on the road extends beyond cramped tour accommodations and small clubs. Her story reflects years of traveling away and back from home, a singer whose vagabond spirit has...

How Party Monsters Baby Baby Re-Invest Gig Revenue into Better Recordings
How does one describe Baby Baby to someone who hasn’t experienced the band before? Well, for starters, Baby Baby is to partying…well, what Andrew W.K. is to partying. Long story short: expect a fun...

Performer’s Special Tour Survival Issue Has Arrived!
The new July issue is here! Join us as we take a special look at life on the road in our Tour Survival Issue! Also inside: interviews with Screaming Females, Sharon Van Etten, Briar Rabbit, The...

Show Us Your Tour Van, Get Featured in Print!
Performer is planning a super special print issue focused exclusively on tour survival. As part of the issue, we want to feature a photo gallery of indie bands' tour vehicles: vans, buses, trucks,...
Sell Your Music to the European Market
The concept of American recording artists promoting their music in Europe is not new. Musicians have been “crossing the pond” for decades, sharing their sounds. However, strategies on how to do so...
October Cover Story: King Khan & The Shrines
King Khan & The Shrines have just released Idle No More after penning a new deal with Merge Records, and are returning to the States to tour beginning this month. This is the first new music...