Your gigs are postponed, but Electro-Voice wants YOU to keep performing! This May, EV is hosting a...
Homepage Lead Stories
FREE AmpliTube Orange Tiny Terror Amp to IK Multimedia newsletter subscribers
Sharing today's news from our friends at IK Multimedia: As a thank you from our IK family to...
COVER STORY: The Reinvention of Margaret Glaspy
“It’s definitely a departure,” Margaret Glaspy says of her new record. “I’m leaving a different...

TWO FRIENDS: How to Successfully Engage a Passionate Fan Base
TWO FRIENDS How to Cultivate an Online Persona & Successfully Engage a Passionate Fan Base From the rise of PLUR culture to the genre’s integration into the mainstream musical consciousness,...

5 Awesome Ableton Live Stock Effects That Will Save You Money
EQ Eight: This equalizer is my whole life. My mixes live and die by this EQ. Equalization is the most important part of mixing, and I honestly believe it needs to be done to every element in your...

Sennheiser & Neumann Recognized for Outstanding Technical Achievement at TEC Awards
Premium audio brands Sennheiser and Neumann were recognized by the NAMM Foundation with Outstanding Technical Achievement awards in the categories of ‘Microphones – Recording’ and ‘Wireless...

COVER STORY: Dressy Bessy Is Back With New Album “Kingsized”
DRESSY BESSY Using the Comfort of a Home Studio to Kickstart Creativity After a Recording Hiatus To get a band to connect personally and professionally takes time and balance. After a seven year...

FIRST LISTEN: The Relevant Elephants “Rock n’ Roll Band” Track Premiere
We've been told by The Relevant Elephants (read our interview with them from our July issue) that this is the single greatest song in the history of rock n roll. So it is with great pleasure that we...

VIDEO: Newzik now available on the App Store Syncsing is excited to launch its iOS Newzik App. Newzik is the smartest sheet music reader app on iPad & iPhone handling most standard formats on a...

The February Issue Is Out, Featuring Dressy Bessy
This month Performer Magazine presents another in a long line of spectacular issues, featuring Dressy Bessy on the cover. ALSO INSIDE: interviews with G. Love, Two Friends, and Lake Street Dive....

Eventide H9 MAX wins TEC Award at Winter NAMM 2016
On Saturday January 24th at NAMM, Eventide’s H9 MAX received the award for Outstanding Technical Achievement in the category of: Musical Instrument Amplification & Effects. The H9 MAX gives...

VIDEO: Introducing The Shure KSM8 — Inside Dualdyne
Shure gave us a pretty amazing demo of the new KSM8 microphone at NAMM, new for 2016. It's truly a step forward in the mic game, and instead of prattling on (which we're good at, believe me), we'd...

Why Female Musicians Still Face Incredulity in Live Venues
“What’s Your Band Called?” Why Female Musicians Still Face Incredulity in Live Venues Growing up in a fairly low income, single parent family in Melbourne, Australia, you could say I was your...