Rob and Kat Nolfe


The new IRX series from JBL is basically a culmination of everything JBL knows how to do, in a super-simple to use package, at their most affordable price point. The rugged enclosure is sure to...
Mixcraft 8 Review

Mixcraft 8 Review

Performer reviews the Mixcraft 8 Pro Studio software from Acoustica. How did we like the low-cost...

Record Review: The Trews

The Trews Hope & Ruin Toronto, ON “Canadian rockers craft their latest masterpiece” Hope & Ruin is the culmination of a decade’s worth of grit, road-wear and hard rock bombast. The Trews...

Record Review: Times New Viking

Times New Viking Dancer Equired Columbus, OH “Snapshots of garage pop perfection” Dancer Equired is a collection of perfect snapshots. Just as a skilled photographer captures unfiltered and...

Record Review: Those Dancing Days

Those Dancing Days Daydreams and Nightmares Stockholm, Sweden “Musically seductive and rhythmically bopping” Those Dancing Days must be a producer’s dream, because they’ve captured the magic “on...