New Music and Video

Reviews of new music, video, concerts and music festivals.

STREAM new Baxter Hall Single “High Road”

We here at Performer have been big fans of Baxter Hall for a while now, as the Boston-based singer/songwriter/guitarist extraordinaire has been sharing his earnest brand of relatable guitar-fronted alternative music for the past few years. You may have even heard him...

Record Review: The Trews

The Trews Hope & Ruin Toronto, ON “Canadian rockers craft their latest masterpiece” Hope & Ruin is the culmination of a decade’s worth of grit, road-wear and hard rock bombast. The Trews...

Record Review: Times New Viking

Times New Viking Dancer Equired Columbus, OH “Snapshots of garage pop perfection” Dancer Equired is a collection of perfect snapshots. Just as a skilled photographer captures unfiltered and...

Record Review: Those Dancing Days

Those Dancing Days Daydreams and Nightmares Stockholm, Sweden “Musically seductive and rhythmically bopping” Those Dancing Days must be a producer’s dream, because they’ve captured the magic “on...