New Music and Video

Reviews of new music, video, concerts and music festivals.

Handsome Ghost On Using the Home Studio to Balance Vulnerability and Experimentation

Handsome Ghost is certainly a band to watch right now. After releasing singles dating back to 2015 (and garnering well-deserved acclaim while they were at it) and working on eclectic side projects, the band is poised to release their debut album aptly titled Welcome...

Record Review: The Bynars

The Bynars The Bynars Boston, MA “Contagious danceable rock” The Bynars is a catalog of visceral, yet playful lyrics.  Lyrics that lasso themselves around your heart, making you remember every crush...

Record Review: Baby Baby

Baby Baby Money Carrollton, GA “They’ll do this all night long” “You must not know who you’re dealing with,” Fontez Brooks whispers on Money’s tent pole track “Fire.” Then Baby Baby combusts into a...

Record Review: Bodies of Water

Bodies of Water Twist Again Los Angeles, CA “An atmospheric and sincere pop masterpiece” This album is phenomenal and is a summery, atmospheric pageant. It might be hasty to heavily praise the album...

Record Review: Buxter Hoot’n

Buxter Hoot’n Buxter Hoot’n San Francisco, CA “More than just unabashed Americana rock” While some bands might wait three to four years before releasing their next record, Buxter Hoot’n waste no...