Waves Audio, a leading provider of digital signal processing solutions, is now shipping the Waves...
Music Recording Plugins & Apps
Read Performer Magazine’s coverage of recording FX and recording software plug-ins.
5 Awesome Ableton Live Stock Effects That Will Save You Money
EQ Eight: This equalizer is my whole life. My mixes live and die by this EQ. Equalization is the...
A Complete Guide to Plug-Ins For Your Home Studio
A Complete Guide to Plug-Ins For Your Home Studio In the May issue of Performer, I wrote about...

Performer’s Ultimate Guide to Modulation FX Part 1
We have a lot of guitarists who come through the studio and they have an idea what they want their recordings to sound like, but have no idea how to articulate those ideas in terms of effects we use...
Performer’s iPad Essentials for Musicians
Tablet schmablet. You can have the fanciest lookin’ device on the planet, but if there are no killer apps for it, it’s just a useless hunk-o-junk. So now that you’ve got that shiny new iPad, how are...
FLASHBACK: Vintage Teletronix LA-2A
“Legendary Vocal Compressor from the ’60s” YEAR 1962 HISTORY The LA-2A is considered one of the most legendary vocal compressors in recording history. I first learned about it through a friend and...
"Hand-Wired, Simple Design Minimizes Phase Shift” YEAR: Late 1960s HISTORY: The API 550 EQ was designed by Saul Walker in the late 1960s and was first used in API and custom console designs. It has...
BUILDER PROFILE: Dave Smith Instruments
New Analog for a Digital World Dave Smith is your greatest influence whose name you don’t know. Since 1977, his work has opened up new frontiers in music technology and created entire industries...
Manufacturer Profile: G-Sonique
Creating Unique VST Plug-ins Started in 2007 by two musicians who wanted digital gear that sounded as good as the analog they couldn't afford, G-Sonique has dedicated themselves to making incredible...

How To Build Your Own FX Pedals
WHY WE USE FX PEDALS Guitar effects pedals, or stompboxes, are something that just about every guitar player has at least one of. Purists may say they only need the volume knob on their guitar and...
Manufacturer Profile: iZotope
Making Home Studios Sound Like The Hit Factory Many DIY musicians find themselves at a loss when it comes to that perfect sheen heard on major label recordings. The secret? iZotope. No other company...
Bob Ludwig’s Tips for Home Recorders
Bob Ludwig, while technically needing no introduction, will still get one here. Why? Because the man deserves it for all the amazing work he’s done in the field of mastering. As one of the top...
PROFILE You don't know SONiVOX, but you know their sounds. Their audioINSIDE technology powers the sound in every Android phone and their EAS technology has powered Motorola's phones since 2005, and...