Music Community Launches 'Love Record Stores' Initiative [#loverecordstores] Campaign to Mobilize...
Music Promotion
Learn how to promote, market, sell and distribute music.
The Most Effective Way to Release Your Music in 2020
When teaching or consulting independent bands recently, these are the two groups of questions I...
How to Avoid The Biggest Music Career-Killing Mistakes
In my 28+ years as a record producer and founder of The Music Success Workshop, I have learned...
7 Reasons Why Your Band’s PR Campaign Didn’t Work
I've already discussed the not-always-obvious signs your PR campaign worked, and how its success is not measured in clips or record sales, but in conversations, buzz, social media growth, name...
If You Only Have $100 to Spend on Marketing Your Music, Here’s What to Do
*This article was originally posted at It has been republished here with permission. Your band is an investment. You've probably already spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on...
5 Crowdfunding Rewards Proven to Work for Indie Musicians
A version of this article originally appeared on - republished here with permission. You're an artist, you need money, and you want to attempt to generate those funds via an engaging...

Songza vs. 8tracks: Which is Better for Gaining New Fans?
Music streaming has become increasingly popular over the years with services such as Spotify,Pandora, and iTunes dominating the market. Music playlist sites are also becoming more popular, offering...
DIY Guide to Screen Printing For Musicians
Spending too much on promo items for your band? You want the freedom to focus on your band without going broke in the process. Well, here’s a way to kill two birds with one proverbial stone; start...
12 Things You Didn’t Know About Music Publicists
Music publicists are a special breed. You may think you know everything there is to know about us, but until you've been a publicist, you have only a surface understanding about who we are and what...
14 Ways to Make Money From One Song
As with any business, your products and services (whether they be your recordings, tours, merch, or anything else) are the stars of the show. They generate revenue and keep your music career afloat....
Why Twitter Should Not Be the New Press Release
Twitter is a critically important social media tool for every band. If you're not using it, you're missing out. Twitter is fast, efficient, and gets the point across in 140-character transmissions....

Taylor Swift, Spotify and the Musical Food Chain Myth
I cannot tell you how happy I am that the conversation about Taylor Swift and Spotify is happening. Maybe people will start listening to what independent artists like me and my peers have been...
Ditch the CD and go USB: Tips for DIY Physical/Digital Hybrid Releases
Let’s face it, the game done changed: Nobody expects to pay for music anymore, and if you want people to buy your stuff, you better...