I self-booked my first tour a few years back after...
Booking Gigs & Touring
Learn more about booking, touring, promoting gigs and live performance how to’s.
Nervous Energy – How To Handle Pre-Gig Nerves
"ROCK CONNECTION" by david leprince is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0 Your heart starts racing, a...
Exploring the UK’s Brexit Landscape for Musicians
courtesy of Tim Reckmann, used under a Creative Commons license The songwriter, artist and...
20 Ways to Better Promote College Gigs
What is the secret to being successful in the college entertainment market? Here we provide tips and tricks of how to assure that you are playing to a full house, and that your name is spread...
Dept. of Transportation Issues Final Rule On Air Travel with Musical Instruments
The U.S. Department of Transportation has issued a final rule to implement section 403 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012, which requires that U.S. airlines accept musical instruments...

Taylor Swift, Spotify and the Musical Food Chain Myth
I cannot tell you how happy I am that the conversation about Taylor Swift and Spotify is happening. Maybe people will start listening to what independent artists like me and my peers have been...

What do local artists REALLY think of Asbury Park?
Situated along New Jersey’s shoreline, Asbury Park often gets overshadowed by the Garden State’s more refined coastal communities. But when it comes to music history and being a destination for...
4 Ways to Get Paid on Tour
So, you’re about to book a show. Rad! As you probably know by now, there are a number of different ways that you can get paid for being awesome at what you do. We want to make sure you’re being paid...
4 Tips for Successful Touring
What performer doesn’t love the thought of traveling from city to city performing for his or her biggest fans and making new fans along the way? Touring is a great way to get exposure outside of...
7 Tips for Making Your DIY Tour Stand Out From the Competition
In my last article, we discussed ways in which you can plan and book a DIY tour that runs effectively, successfully, and within your budget. So now that you’ve packed up your gear, managed your...
3 Creative Ways to Make More Money Gigging
Gigging and touring is the bread and butter for indie musicians today. Playing local gigs on the weekend with a few regional or national tours can provide enough income to get by, but there’s a lot...

Sell More Concert Tickets & Reach New Fans With Bandsintown
Stop me if you've heard this one before. You're on tour, and you get an angry email or text from Jessica, a fan in the last city you played. Turns out, even though you emailed her (and all of your...

Touring Advice From Raul Bianchi of The Expendables
BATHROOM BUSINESS ON THE ROAD I always need a few days after a long tour to decompress, and rediscover all the wonderful things about home that I've been missing for the last two months. Going from...