Nutrition impacts performance, creativity, productivity and mental health. The belief that artists...
Booking Gigs & Touring
Learn more about booking, touring, promoting gigs and live performance how to’s.
How To Be Like Dylan And Avoid The Subterranean Homesick Blues
No, not that Dylan,...but nevertheless, a cautionary tale Americans who aren’t scientists appear...
Seven Essential Moves For Keeping Your Act On The Road
Out On Tour? Get Insured! [editor's note -- this guest article is brought to us by our friends at...

Master Tour: The Next Killer App For Your Band
If you’ve ever been on tour, no matter the size, you know that the hardest part is everything but the few hours you play. It’s the arrangements: travel itineraries, tickets, merch stock,...

5 Ways to Mitigate Risk & Avoid Insurance Claims on the Road
Here are 5 Easy Ways for Your Band to Mitigate Risk & Avoid Insurance Claims During the Summer Touring and Festival Season. THE TOUR VAN CHECKLIST You’ve got the tour van all loaded up for that...

How to Prevent Stolen Gear on Tour
After their performances, indie-folk group Watching for Foxes don’t waste much time before tearing down their set, thanking the booker and collecting pay, and schlepping gear back to their large...

Why Your Band Should Purchase Liability Insurance Ahead of Time
Our friends at K&K Insurance want to save you headaches, and more importantly, time and money, while out on tour. Here's a quick tip about why you should think about purchasing liability...

K&K Insurance Presents: Quick Tips For Musicians Part 3
Our friends at K&K Insurance want to save you headaches, and more importantly, time and money, while out on tour. Here's a quick tip about obtaining some last-minute insurance that you may not...

How to Successfully Book and Execute Your Own DIY Tour in 4 Simple Steps
STEP 1. PREPARING FOR BOOKING Get a handle on your social media presence. When it comes to booking your own DIY tour, you’ll be sending venues links to your music online, so it’s important to have a...

VIDEO: How to Save Money on Liability Insurance
Our friends at K&K Insurance want to save you headaches, and more importantly, time and money, while out on tour. Here's a quick tip about saving some cash when it comes to purchasing liability...

K&K Insurance Presents: Quick Tips For Musicians
Our friends at K&K Insurance want to save you headaches, and more importantly, time and money, while out on tour. Here's a quick tip about saving some cash when it comes to certificates of...

One (Not Very Great, But Cheap and Effective) Way to Tour Europe With a Vintage Synth
SHIPPING SYNTHS OVERSEAS My band Pretty & Nice were lucky to tour Europe twice, once right when I joined up, in 2009, and then on what might end up being our last tour, in 2013. Touring Europe...

Everything You Need to Know About Booking Your Own Tour
Hey! I’m Mike Montali and this summer my band, Hollis Brown, will be embarking on an incredible headlining tour. Since our band’s formation in 2009, we have been nonstop writing, producing, and...