Benjamin Ricci

Using Gratefulness to Reframe Your Definition of Success

A few months ago, my life’s work was finally realized. One random weekday afternoon just driving down the road -- out of nowhere I realized… holy shit, I’m successful. Just like that. A life changing realization as boring and meaningless as it sounds. After more than...
D&A Gig Strap Review

D&A Gig Strap Review

Does the new D&A Gig Strap actually help guitarists soften the blow to their shoulders and...

Mojave MA-50 Review

Mojave MA-50 Review

Let's see how the Mojave Audio MA-50 Condenser Microphone stacks up against the competition. ...

Record Review: The Go! Team

The Go! Team Rolling Blackouts Brighton, UK "Genre-busting release from schizoid auteurs" The Go! Team, a musical representation of ADD since 2004, have returned with Rolling Blackouts, their third...

Record Review: French Miami

French Miami Motor Skills Brooklyn, NY “Mind-twitching and light-bending” Here's a legitimate theory: those who listen to French Miami's mind-twitching and light-bending EP, Motor Skills, react with...

Record Review: Evan McHugh

Evan McHugh The World Will Move Along Nashville, TN “All you have to do is sing along” The World Will Move Along is packed with effortless vocals, strong lyrics, and memorable melodies.  Based in...

Record Review: Davis Coen

Davis Coen Jukebox Classic Charleston, SC “Jukebox Hero” The strength of Davis Coen’s Jukebox Classic is its variety.  And that is not something you can normally write about a blues album.  The...

Record Review: David Dondero

David Dondero A Pre-Existing Condition Duluth, MN "A collection of songs in excellent condition" As one of the most prolific and frequently touring songwriters on the circuit today, it’s no surprise...

Record Review: Bright Eyes

Bright Eyes The People’s Key Omaha, NE “The key to Oberst’s continued success” Like Bright Eyes’ previous album, the great Cassadaga, The People’s Key opens with a long monologue.  This time, the...