Joel Romirre is the front man and patriarch of the band that blends distinctive flows, acoustics, dense piano and tranquil melodies to paint a Rembrandt with his rhymes. Gavin MacDonald, the guitarist from the windy city, brings a unique edge and component to the group. Tommy Hart aka DJ Hartbreak is the man in the middle and is a major ingredient playing many types of instruments, including saxophone, guitar and drums. Rounding out the group is Brandon (Bronze) Mcleod, the percussion specialist who brings a pulsating thump to the band.
Why did you start making music?
We wanted to do something to change and impact the world. Our ultimate goal is to start non-profits around the world and use our music as a tool to inspire others to help people in need.
Who was your inspiration?
We are all inspired by different people. Our parents, family, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Dalai Lama.
Where is your favorite place to perform?
Apache and Metro Fusion. The managers have always welcomed us with open arms. Our favorite place by far was the Savannah Music Festival back in April of this year.
Who are your influences?
We are all influenced by different artists, which I think contributes to our unique sound; N.E.R.D, The Roots, Kurt Cobain, John Mayer, Gym Class Heroes, Pharrell, Janelle Monáe and more.
How do you feel about bootlegging?
I think in order to gain exposure sometimes you have to give away your music. If it’s that good, bootlegging or not it will sell and you will still be able to make a profit. Bootlegging is part of the new evolution of music, everybody just needs to realize that and accept it.
Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?
Our front man Joel is one of the best underground MCs in Atlanta. He is more than a rapper but is a true artist. The talent we have is unquestionable. We write our own lyrics, compose our own music, which makes others feel good and uplifted. Our music brings a positive vibe to the masses.
What artists in hip-hop do you like? Why?
Kendrick Lamar and Childish Gambino are both putting a unique stamp on modern hip-hop and they are coming out with great stuff. Also Outkast, A Tribe Called Quest, Public Enemy, Beastie Boys are always going to be some of our favorites. Their music is timeless.
Where do you think the hip-hop is going?
I think hip-hop is going to go back to its original roots. You know, the ’90s. The stuff you are listening to now is pretty much the same. Cars, clothes, jewelry, girls, etc. You can only rap so much about material items until people get tired. It has to change and become more knowledge-based to bring change to others.
Why did you pick your band name?
Our front man, Joel, was told that he often dresses like Michael J Fox’s character in the ’80s movie Teen Wolf. (I’m glad he doesn’t dress like anyone from Gremlins lol)
Where do you usually gather songwriting inspiration?
Our songs are about everyday life, so our songwriting comes from our life experiences and things that are going on in our lives.
Do you think that online presence is important for fans to find you and critics to find your music to write about?
It is important to have a strong online presence so fans can find your music, but for us we want people to come out and see us perform. Our live shows are where we hit our stride. We perform for the crowds and their energy feeds us.
What artist or artists would you like to collaborate with?
We’ve played several shows in Atlanta with Vintage Nation, which is a local artist here in Atlanta. As far as major artists, we would love to work with the Gym Class Heroes, Janelle Monee, B.O.B and any artist that would find us appealing.
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