Audio Interview with Sleepy Kitty

by | Feb 11, 2014 | Interviews and Features

Before the holidays, we had a chance to sit down with St. Louis-via-Chicago indie duo Sleepy Kitty to chat about their new LP, Projection Room. You can read our review right here (needless to say, we enjoyed it quite a bit).

Long story short, Paige Brubeck (vocals/guitar/keys) and Evan Sult (drums, vocals, tapes), the aforementioned kitties, gave us a wealth of information that we felt was best served in its original format instead of laboriously transcribing it. Yes, we’re a bit late posting it (sorry!) but we feel it’s worth the wait (how’s that for a save?)

So sit back, prepare to not read, and listen to a really cool conversation with a really cool band in which we discuss Huey Lewis, the impact of visual art on music, and finding your place in a new musical city. [editor’s note – at the end of the conversation, we started discussing some personal details not pertinent to the interview; apologies for the abrupt ending.]

Let us know in the comments below if you like audio interviews, or if you’d prefer to read interview transcriptions. Enjoy 🙂

And for more on Sleepy Kitty, head to their official website.

Photos courtesy of the insanely talented Shervin Lainez.

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