Welcome to the latest installment of Performer’s Guest List, where we invite indie artists to select their favorite tracks in a given category. This week, DREAMERS takes us through their favorite tracks recorded at the famous Sound City Studios. The band’s new record (This Album Does Not Exist) was recorded at Fairfax Recordings, formerly Sound City, so what a fitting tribute? And in case you haven’t seen Dave Grohl’s fantastic documentary yet, here’s a teaser (go watch it now!) Scroll down for the complete list…
Let’s get this one out of the way right off the bat — it’s the ultimate song of the’90s and one of the most influential, widely loved and sonically arresting rock songs of all time. It is one of our absolute favorite bands and it still blows our mind that we get to record in the same place where this recording took place.
Off the album The Slip, which Trent Reznor released for free on his website and which remains one of my favorite NIN records. This track gets the blood moving but the entire record is a dark, mysterious masterpiece of lean sonic mayhem.
If any song from the era embodies pure unadulterated chemically-induced dumb ecstasy, it’s this. A reckless song about reckless things. And it’s all good unclean fun.
This record vibes so hard. A formative influence for our music and a hell of a sexy song.
Oh why can’t I be making love come true? The first two Weezer records are dear to all of our hearts. And this one is openly complaining about having too much meaningless sex, which makes it the most emo-not-emo song of all time.
Anger is a gift. Nothing encapsulates the feeling of righteous indignation like RATM’s first record. Every recorded part oozes fury and immediacy. It’s as dangerous and relatable today as it was back in 1994.
Despite its obvious (and amazing) ’80s kitsch factor, this is a truly great song. We’ve all been there, Rick; most of us just don’t have the guts to ever say it out loud, much less write a hit song about it.
This song never ceases to give us chills. Vague eerie lyrics that capture a specific feeling so perfectly, coupled with passionate and vulnerable performances. Rumors is a timeless classic for a reason. We’d like to believe the ghosts behind this album still haunt the rooms we were fortunate enough to record ours in.
This song is mind-blowing and emotionally raw. It’s also an unforgettable lyric full of an attitude and style we can’t get enough of. This song will always take me back to a few good ‘ol years in Brooklyn when this song was played absolutely everywhere.
One of the greatest rock songwriters and performers in our opinion is Tom Petty. He has consistently created amazing feels and attitudes that we draw from all the time. He recorded in Sound City on multiple occasions, and “Here Comes My Girl” is a standout jam.
ICYMI: listen to Civil Twilight’s favorite acoustic covers in last week’s Guest List.