[Ed. note -- this guest article was penned by our friends at Bandzoogle] So, you’re making your...
Music Promotion
Learn how to promote, market, sell and distribute music.
TikTok for Music Makers: Part 2 of 2
In a previous article we went through some strategies and tips on how to blow up your music on...
How to Play the Streaming Game in 2021
A little inside info for my music makers. I often get asked, “What exactly do I have to do to...
When Should Bands Release Full-Length Albums?
So, why and when should your band release a full-length album? Actually, the answer to this one is really easy! Yet, almost no one will get it right, because the answer is all about your marketing...
The Six Best Podcasts For Musicians
Because being a musician consists of a lot more skills other than just playing your instrument, here are a few podcasts to get you to the next level or at least out of writer’s block. SONG EXPLODER...

How To Achieve Crowdfunding Success as an Indie Musician
Learn How To Ensure Crowdfunding Success as an Indie Musician And How to Sustain Your Career Without a Label The Internet is the single greatest thing to ever happen to the music industry - but also...
Supercharge Fan Engagement With This Clever Release Strategy
How to Promote Music More Effectively, Increase Fan Engagement and Boost Your Creative Juices at the Same Time... Sometimes the hardest part of achieving interest in our music is simply being...

How to Press and Sell Vinyl On-Demand as an Indie Band
Prepare for the Next Wave of the Vinyl Revolution with QRATES: Or, How to Design, Press and Sell Vinyl On-Demand You love vinyl. Your fans love vinyl. You want to offer your music on vinyl. But how...

The Musician’s Guide to Crowdfunding: How to Get Money for Your Next Music Project
How to Get Started with Crowdfunding as a Musician, and how to Ensure Your Crowdfunding Campaign is a Success. How do you make a music project happen? Good question. The romantic in me wants to say...

DistroKid Can’t Wait to Pay You: A Conversation with Founder Philip Kaplan
Performer speaks with DistroKid founder Philip Kaplan about digital distribution and new the music industry landscape. A few years back, I introduced you to DistroKid, a digital distribution...

Bandcamp Can (and Should) Bury iTunes. Here’s Why.
APPLE TO EXIT DOWNLOAD MARKET WITH ITUNES Welcome to another dispatch from the streaming wars. Or, wait a minute, are we still in the format wars? If you thought the music industry - especially the...

DotBlockchain: The Fight for Fair Trade Music And What It Means For Indies
Fair Trade Music and the Dot Blockchain Music Project: Building the Future Music Industry (Pt1) Put on your thinking caps, we’re going to delve into this whole “blockchain” thing you’ve been hearing...

Why Instant Live Recordings Are Important For Your Music Career
An Exclusive Interview with Live Streaming Pioneer Brad Serling Live music fanatics have known of nugs.net for decades. In the early ’90s, live music tape trading was colliding with the new digital...