You still have time. You can still bust out a Christmas EP that might net you thousands of new...
Music Promotion
Learn how to promote, market, sell and distribute music.
Download Pioneer eMusic Pivots to Blockchain
eMusic is old-school, OG MusicTech. It was 20 years ago (1998) when the company launched as the...
noncomMUSIC Alliance – Strengthening Public Radio Music in a Streaming World
Some of you have had the chance to run a traditional commercial radio campaign and you’ll probably...

Get The Most Out of Your Band’s Instagram
You’ve just rolled into town to play a gig. You see fall leaves, the sun setting against a city skyline. You scribble your band name, the venue and time you play on a piece of paper and hold it up...

Download Performer’s FREE Legal Guide to the Music Business
Performer's committed to bringing you the most useful advice when it comes to your career. That's why we're bringing you the second installment in our FREE industry guides - quick PDFs jam-packed...

Make Money on YouTube with ONErpm
There's a saying in the startup world by founder Marc Barros of Contour Cameras: "The best product does not always win, the product everyone knows about does." I often repeat this when I speak at...
FLASHBACK: 1960s Heidelberg Cylinder Letterpress
The printing press heralded the new age of modern life by introducing movable type. Johannes Gutenberg is credited with invention of the printing press and movable type in 1440 (although I hear that...
The Art of Vinyl Record Jackets: An Interview with Jennifer Freund, Founder of Dorado Music Packaging
In an age where cover art is often confined to a 600-pixel square, Dorado Music Packaging is quite literally coloring outside of the lines. Now in its 20th year of operation, the North Hollywood...
Why A Million Plays on Pandora May Only Net You $16
THERE’S NOTHING BETTER THAN A PAY DAY. With a multitude of income-generating avenues available for musicians on the Internet, there is no shortage of ways to make money online. How much you can...
What Bands & Kickstarter Fail to Understand About Crowdfunding
Kickstarter replaces record labels! Kickstarter is panhandling! Kickstarter is only for people without access to other resources! The pervasive misunderstanding of the fundamental tenets of...
Twitter #Music for Indie Artists (part 2 of 2)
Why the Social Media Giant Will Become Your Most Essential Promo Tool Twitter #Music is officially in the wild and available as an app in your favorite store or you can visit the standalone web...
Make Money & Fans in Second Life
I spoke recently with musician Seth Regan, whose online avatar Mankind Tracer is one of the most popular virtual performers in Second Life. Second Life is an online virtual world started in 2003,...
The “Big 4″ of Professional Representation
Know Who’ll Do What For Your Career EVERY MUSICIAN WHO MAKES THE TRANSITION FROM hobbyist to career performer will gradually assemble a team of professionals to take care of their business affairs,...