Philly’s DIY Dream Pop Band Highnoon Finds Its Way Through the Largely Straight/White Indie Scene...
Interviews and Features
Read in-depth interviews and features about independent musicians and music industry professionals.
DIRTY STREETS open up about new LP ‘Rough and Tumble’
Rough and Tumble Memphis Trio Takes Live Approach on New LP Dirty Streets are a down n dirty (no...
COVER STORY: Guitar Gabby & The TxLips Band
ATL Shredder Guitar Gabby on Getting a Law Degree, Empowering Black Female Artists and Surviving a...

Catching up with The Suffers at Forecastle Festival
It was hot. Very hot, but the funky thud of each bass string kept my hair from sticking to my neck. I couldn't not move. And then that pop. Oh those pops! Firing off one after another, picking up...

Marco Benevento Dishes About His Synth Obsession
Keyboard Whiz Marco Benevento on His Return to Synths & Why the KORG Polysix Will Always Hold a Special Place in His Heart Marco Benevento, member of the Royal Potato Family and pianist...

Peter Bjorn and John Open up About New Album Breakin’ Point
PETER BJORN AND JOHN Explain How They Sparked the Creative Juices by Bringing in Outsiders on New LP Breakin' Point Indie pop troupers Peter Bjorn and...

Mutual Benefit returns with new album Skip a Sinking Stone
How The Process of Quitting Music Inspired Jordan Lee of Mutual benefit to Come Back to Music Full-Time Mutual Benefit’s Jordan Lee is gaining well-earned recognition for his music, and his new...

WATCH: MARGARET GLASPY shares “You and I” Video PLUS Lands Performer Cover
MARGARET GLASPY Shares "You and I" Video and Explains How DIY Recording (& Re-Recording) Allowed Her to Realize Her True Creative Vision Four years ago, writing for...

STREAM “Mother E” from new FILTER album Crazy Eyes
PLUS Richard Patrick of FILTER Discusses New Album 'Crazy Eyes' In this writer's humble opinion, every album Richard Patrick has...

Kele Okereke of Bloc Party Opens Up About ‘Hymns’ BLOC PARTY Frontman Kele Okereke On Using The Studio as a Writing Tool, PLUS New North American Tour Dates Below By Candace McDuffie Photos by Rachael Wright Hymns, the...

We Are Scientists Frontman Keith Murray Talks Helter Seltzer, Gears Up For Boston Show
The last time I spoke to We Are Scientists frontman Keith Murray was two years ago—and it was one of my favorite interviews that I’ve ever done. While navigating the streets of Barcelona, Murray and...

RECORDS THAT CHANGED MY LIFE by Greg Newton (Save The Clocktower)
Find out Which Records Changed the Life of Greg Newton from Save The Clocktower My passion for music first started around the age of 5 or 6, driving around with my dad Sunday mornings listening to...

LISTEN NOW: The Two Tens Stream Tracks From ‘Volume’
THE TWO TENS: Don’t Just Put on a Show. BE THE SHOW. Barely a year old, the brainchild of Adam Bones and Rikki Styxx, The Two Tens have erupted onto the scene. The chemistry between the two...