Going wireless on stage shouldn't be intimidating, or reserved just for the "big touring acts." In...
Dynamic Microphones & Other Live Mics
Read reviews on live microphones from Performer Magazine.
FIRST LOOK: Sennheiser EW-DX Wireless Microphone System
We recently received a shipment of brand-new wireless gear from Sennheiser (from the EW-DX lineup)...
GEAR NEWS: DPA Releases 2012 Cardioid & 2015 Wide Cardioid Mics
When a complex live stage needs to sound its best, you need mics that seamlessly combine to...

REVIEW: Shure ULX-D Handheld Wireless System + KSM11 Wireless Capsule
Shure ULX-D Handheld Wireless System Shure KSM11 Wireless Microphone Capsule If a microphone company is going to make a wireless setup, they already have a leg up on any young upstart that don’t...

REVIEW: Phenyx Pro PTU-5000A 4-Channel Wireless Mic System
In the past, running multiple wireless microphones usually meant hodge-podging several independent systems together and hoping there was no cross talk, or buying a configuration that was only...

Sennheiser offers anniversary deals on Vocal, Lavalier, Pedalboard and Portable Lav Sets
Whether you are a musician or a content creator – Sennheiser’s anniversary deal for August and September has something great in store for you! To celebrate its 75-year anniversary, Sennheiser is...

Electro-Voice RE520 Microphone REVIEW
There are certain singers who just get handed a microphone, and that’s it. While instrumentalists pour over every facet of their gear, many vocalists kind of just get a mic, and go with the flow. EV...

GEAR TEST: Blue Microphones enCORE Series LIVE with Me Like Bees!
Editor’s Note – this spring we put a call out to bands to test out a package of enCORE Series mics from our friends at Blue Microphones. We chose Me Like Bees, who shot a series of behind-the-scenes...

Sennheiser and Neumann launch special wireless bundle
To mark Neumann.Berlin’s 90th company anniversary, Sennheiser and Neumann have unveiled a very special promotional bundle that combines a Sennheiser evolution wireless 500 G4 microphone system with...

Ehrlund EHR-H Microphone Review
When it comes to live vocals, condenser mics are really starting to make their presence known. It’s a simple design and gives a lot more sensitivity and dynamics. Swedish manufacturer Ehrlund has...

VIDEO: Me Like Bees Road Tests Blue enCORE Microphones
Performer Magazine, in partnership with Blue Microphones, recently sent the band Me Like Bees a new setup of live mics from the enCORE Series. In the weeks ahead, the band will be testing them out...

VIDEO: War Twins Show Off Unique Uses for Cloudlifters on Tour
LA's War Twins are now out on their summer tour, so they're road-testing out a few new Cloudlifters (the CL-1 and the CL-Zi) from our friends at Cloud Microphones. In this week's video update,...

VIDEO: Me Like Bees Unboxes Blue enCORE Microphones
Performer Magazine, in partnership with Blue Microphones, recently sent the band Me Like Bees a new setup of live mics from the enCORE Series. In the weeks ahead, the band will be testing them out...