Gear Reviews
Review: Taylor 514ce Urban Red Ironbark Acoustic Guitar
Taylor’s been pushing the expectations and limits of Acoustic guitars for decades now; just when you’d assume there’s a plateau, they go further into new territory. Their 514CE in Urban Red Ironbark is a perfect example of design, materials and execution that makes...
How to Set Up a USB Audio Interface with First to Eleven and Focusrite
We recently hooked up the band First to Eleven with a brand-new Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 USB Audio Interface so they can record their tracks, livestreams and live performances with ease. Watch all four episodes as we go from unboxing, to DAW setup, to capturing...
REVIEW: IK Multimedia AmpliTube X-Space Reverb Pedal
Large format (three or more footswitches) pedals have become the standard for effects, with options for tweaking that can get to the molecular level. They can also get expensive, and overwhelming to some players. IK Multimedia’s X-Space has reverbs galore, with ease...
How To
6 Music Licensing Resources You Should Know About
Music licensing has become a means for income for many musicians now that concerts, gigs, and most live entertainment of any kind has been halted. Musicians have been working hard to find ways to pivot their careers, to continue to make music, and to perform in...
HOW TO TACKLE PERFORMING ONLINE…And Other Things You Can’t Learn On The Road
Other things you can’t learn on the road…. what road? I knew you’d pay attention to that part 🙂 Whether you are an amateur musician or entertainment is your full-time gig, this pandemic turned most of us upside down. And can I say it? Made us all panic a little....
Fan subscriptions are booming. How should indie musicians approach theirs?
While live events are on hold, many artists have launched fan subscriptions as a way to generate income and give their fans the kind of connection and excitement that an in-person show can create. Not only have fan subscriptions provided financial stability during a...
Buying Guide
REVIEW: Pigtronix Star Eater Analog Fuzz Pedal
Not all fuzzes are created equal; the various vintages and versions, the tweaks, the re-issues, the everything-in-one model configurations. It’s overwhelming to sort through. Pigtronix has unleashed their new Star Eater, and its options are practical for what a fuzz...
REVIEW: Palmer PWT08 Powerbar
Pedalboard power supplies are often overlooked, but it’s an area that can not only mess with your pedalboard, but with your pedals themselves. Palmer’s PWT08 has plenty of clean and safe power on tap, so consider adding one to power your board today. There are eight...
REVIEW: Revv Shawn Tubbs Tilt Overdrive Pedal
In case you didn’t know, Shawn Tubbs is a highly regarded session player, and one thing session folks know is tone. The Tilt Overdrive is a collaboration with Shawn and Revv, and has a few tricks up its sleeve. It’s a medium gain drive pedal with a boost; the drive...
Industry News
WATCH: How to Obtain Insurance For Your Live Performances
Our friends at K&K Insurance know how to make shopping for insurance less intimidating for musicians and live performers of all kinds. If you're hitting the road this summer, or are getting booked for live events that require its entertainers to carry liability...
Or, the “Synthy Awards” If The Office taught us anything, it’s that we as a society love awards. I mean, who wouldn’t want a shiny new Dundee for their mantlepiece? So this year, we’re handing out “Synthy Awards,” our version of the Dundees, to some of the coolest...
A First-Time Festival-Goer Experiences Boston Calling 2023
BOSTON CALLING 2023: A FIRST-TIMER’S REVIEW [Editor's note -- after doing this for so many years, you sometimes forget the feelings and emotions of your first festival experience: the sights, the smells, the sounds, the vibes. So this year we decided to send a...