A Chat with The Chats: Rebellious Pop-Punk for All The Chats have the element of youth on their...
Interviews and Features
Read in-depth interviews and features about independent musicians and music industry professionals.
5 Tips to Boost Your Odds of Getting Sync Placements
Pro Advice from 411 Music Group CEO Kristen Agee Sync licensing has become a significant source of...
COVER STORY: TYCHO on His Home Studio & Creative Evolution on New LP
More than 15 years into his musical career leading the quasi-solo project Tycho, Scott Hansen is...

SOMEONE STILL LOVES YOU BORIS YELTSIN Injects Raw Energy Into New LP By Letting Go Of Studio Perfectionism The High Country by Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin It has been ten years since the...

THE MIKE + RUTHY BAND Discuss The Work/Family Balancing Act
THE MIKE + RUTHY BAND How to Manage The Work/Family Balancing Act While Touring & Recording Bright As You Can by The Mike + Ruthy Band Welcome to the family. When I spoke with Mike and Ruthy, it...

CHASTITY BELT: Making The Most of Seattle’s DIY Community & Leading Rock’s Feminist Charge
CHASTITY BELT Making The Most of Seattle’s DIY Community & Leading Rock’s Feminist Charge Time to Go Home by Chastity Belt Like a prettily manicured hand wrapped tight after a brawl, Seattle’s...

COVER STORY: A Detailed Detour Through the Creative Process with TORRES
“I find I'm at my best, creatively speaking, when I'm most consumed. It just means I have a lot to write.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6SIw30IOt8 The beauty of music derives not just from the...

The Tape Project: Releasing Timeless Music on Audiophile-Approved Reel-To-Reel
The Tape Project releases classic albums on reel-to-reel, duplicated from the original master tapes. You would expect these tapes to sound good of course, and you should expect they would sound...

Jon Fine traces personal and cultural changes in new indie-rock memoir
NOTE: this article originally appeared on Medleyville.us. It has been re-posted here with permission of the author. At the risk of sounding harsh, those who choose not to explore a given music’s...

Local Boston Rapper Latrell James Embraces Self-Awareness, Plays Album Release Show This Tuesday
Latrell James literally thrives in transparency. The grip and immediacy of his debut album, Twelve, possesses a certain level of introspection rarely seen by up and coming emcees. James’ ability to...

WATCH NOW: New Two Gallants Video PLUS Our Brand New Interview
TWO GALLANTS At The Crossroads of American Roots & Punk Energy Over past few years, there has been something of a revival of so-called “Americana” music. Bands like Mumford & Sons and The...

TREASURE FLEET: Behind the Scenes of a Motion Album
TREASURE FLEET Behind the Scenes of a Motion Album The Sun Machine by Treasure Fleet I want to know what I’m getting myself into before I commit to listening to an album; childish I know… but...

Niko Is Delves Into His Creative Process, Plays Boston This Wednesday
The sharp lyrical proficiency of Niko Is happens to be one of his most head turning assets; his eccentric rhythmic patterns make him stand out in a sea of aspiring rappers with ambition equal in...