Last month, we selected Daniel Blume as the winner in our recent Audio-Technica Drum Mic Package...
Audio-Technica Presents: How to Record Drums
Audio-Technica presents an educational series of articles that will teach you how to set up your drums for recording, ideal mic placement for recording drums, how to record and mix drums into your session and how to apply fx to your drum tracks in the mix. These expert articles will give you the practical foundation you need to not only record great drum tracks, but to experiment with drum mic placement to get new sounds for your recordings.
Performer’s FREE Guide to Miking and Recording Drums
Looking to get record drums but don't know the best mics to get, or how to set them up? Performer...
How to Record Drums: Gated Reverb, Compression and Room Mics
Audio-Technica and Performer Magazine team up to provide practical how-to information on adding...

Drum Miking Basics from Audio-Technica
Our friends at Audio-Technica are releasing a series of videos on basic recording techniques. Today we share snare drum miking basics - let us know if you find these recording how to videos helpful...