Record Review: Times New Viking

by | May 1, 2011 | Reviews

Times New Viking
Dancer Equired
Columbus, OH

“Snapshots of garage pop perfection”

Dancer Equired is a collection of perfect snapshots. Just as a skilled photographer captures unfiltered and unadulterated moments in time, so too does Times New Viking with their fifth record. Brimming with guitar hooks, pulsing drums, and a synth that remains equally pleasurable and dissonant, Dancer Equired crams 14 tracks of punky garage pop in under 32 minutes. As always, for this band, brevity is key.

Not much has changed for Times New Viking since we last heard from them, but really, that’s not a bad thing. As always, the songs are unapologetically catchy; they remain carefully composed yet endearingly unpolished. We notice immediately that Dancer Equired isn’t as lo-fi as albums past, but the band still doesn’t make many concessions. Opener “It’s a Culture” finds dual vocals of Beth Murphy and Adam Elliot occasionally peaking and accompanied by an angular, distorted guitar. This is a trend that continues throughout the record.

When listening to the album, one gets the feeling that Times New Viking captured these songs with only one take. Recordings often begin seconds after the band has already started playing and wrap up with quick, almost tentative endings.  Like all good snapshots, each of these songs tells a story. (Merge)