Record Review: Deep Dark Robot

by | Jun 1, 2011 | Reviews

Deep Dark Robot
8 Songs About A Girl
Los Angeles, CA

“The screaming angst of every breakup”

Linda Perry’s latest endeavor, Deep Dark Robot, has just released their debut 8 Songs About A Girl and it’s everything one would expect from an artist of her caliber (and then some). True to her roots, she continues to provide gritty vocals brimming with raw emotion and hazy, power ballad guitar riffs. This time she has partnered with drummer Tony Tornay.

Just as the title states, the album features eight songs about a girl, love and heartbreak. The record travels through the relationship process in a unique and creative way, driven by well-constructed compositions and honest lyricism. The tracks blend light piano fingering with fast percussion and feverish guitar chords.

Melodic anthems sit alongside razor sharp declarations of pain. The opening track, “I’m Coming For You,” is the spontaneous first meeting.  “You Mean Nothing To Me” is the grieving, conveyed through vicious rhetoric and uncommonly soft vocals by Perry. “It Fucking Hurts” is the anger and resentment and “Speck” is the last hope and final acceptance of the end.

The partnership between Tornay and Perry proves fruitful and promising. Deep Dark Robot has created an album that is not only impressive musically, but which also has a level of honesty that is both prolific and stirring. (Custard)

Produced, mixed and engineered at Kung Fu Gardens by Linda Perry // Pro Tools engineering by Andrew Chavez and Kyle Morgan // Mastered by John Golden at Golden Mastering