Cactus Peach
Austin, TX
(Enjoy Ears Records)
“Mix quirky sounds, add a pinch of trippy lyrics, and let stew”
Psychedelic rock band Cactus Peach has been cooking up their debut LP Eat for the past two years – and they have got the recipe right, folks. A refreshing blend of instrumental and lyrical experimentation, Eat proves to be compelling from start to finish, utilizing a variety of instruments and sounds in a pleasantly surprising way that is sure to spice up any summer soundtrack.
Beginning with a 30-second intro track comprised mostly of juicy chewing sounds, the listener is primed for the musical smorgasbord in store. The LP features some excellent guitar work, such as in “Dreams = Heaven,” which begins with some catchy fingerpicking and light, uplifting melodies. “Down Down Down” utilizes creative percussion and a great piano solo while “Tommy Elfman” sports an almost sinister waltzing tempo with whispered lyrics that dissolving into a burning instrumental piece, ending with a slamming door.
Well there you have it – this LP is delicious and nutritious, with a little bit of something for everyone. Cactus Peach has done an excellent job delivering music that is not only fun to listen to but also embodies the haunting emotions of the lyrics, making their debut album well worth the wait.
Mixed and Mastered by Steve Krause