Buxter Hoot’n
Buxter Hoot’n
San Francisco, CA
“More than just unabashed Americana rock”
While some bands might wait three to four years before releasing their next record, Buxter Hoot’n waste no time, releasing this self-titled third record just one year after their last. This new collection shows the prolific San Francisco quintet can manifest their plentiful song ideas without having to repeat themselves.
For most of the record’s 10 tracks, Buxter Hoot’n showcase fluency in a range of Southern rock grooves, their style is best suited for a Sunday morning front porch jam session between the Dawes’ and Drive-By Truckers’ residences. The record kicks off with “Mariel,” a solemn ballad about a woman’s misfortune that builds into a blues rock-out. The next three tracks, “Out the Door,” “Blue Night” and “Chief Justice Shepard” show that the band never sticks with just one tempo for too long, opting instead to switch it up with every song.
The standout tracks on Buxter Hoot’n mark new territory in the band’s ever-expanding repertoire. The poignant bluegrass ballad “Thought I Heard You Say” features percussionist Melissa Merrill on lead vocals, and the violin-driven “Go Get Your Gun” draws strong influence from European folk music, especially in the last half, which becomes an intense Greek folk-like jam that no doubt serves as a great live show experience. (Self-released)
Produced by Greg Magers and Buxter Hoot’n // Engineered by Greg Magers, Chris Harden and Graham Burris // Recorded at I.V. Lab Studios and The Attic, Chicago, IL // Mastered by Collin Jordan at The Boiler Room