The Wild Now is an Austin, TX based duo consisting of Taylor Baker and Drew Walker. The two met in...
Best Electric Guitars
Performer Mag’s reviews of electric guitars, acoustic guitars and guitar amps.
In today's vintage guitar flashback, we are going to take a look at the Gibson L-5S. The example...
Vintage Guitar Flashback: Gibson ES-5
FLASHBACK: Taking a look back at a vintage Gibson ES-5 archtop guitar. BACKGROUND The Gibson ES-5...
Steampunk Guitar Building with Tony Cochran
Every guitar has stories to tell. Some were played by masters, many were destroyed, and all contain a secret history that only exposes its...
Gear Review: Fender Kurt Cobain Signature Jaguar
The new Kurt Cobain signature is based around an alder-bodied Jaguar with a "Relic" sunburst finish, mimicking age and wear. The overall vibe is like a hot-rodded pawn shop guitar, just like the one...
The Cure for GAS (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome) (GFS) was started in 2004 by Jay Abend with the intention of making his custom gear available to guitar players around the world. "I...
Seymour Duncan Liberator Solderless Pickup System
Swapping pickups can be a daunting task. Putting your beloved axe under a soldering iron can be expensive if you take it to a tech, or just unnerving if you try to do it yourself. The time...
GEAR REVIEW: Fender Blacktop Jazzmaster
From our December print issue. The new Mexican-made Blacktop Jazzmaster looks like a beautiful reissue of a Fender fan favorite. Sometimes though, looks can be deceiving. The Blacktop has more...