If small business owners in other lines of work took the same advice that has regularly been doled...
Band Management
Learn more about the music business and band management, including music licensing, booking your own DIY tour, music publishing, copyright law, music royalties, music promotion, music distribution and performing rights organizations.
10 Ways to Tune Up Your Music Business for 2022
Here are 10 ways to tune up your music business for the coming year. Make a commitment to focus on...
7 Simple Ideas to Market Your Music Online
Music marketing is difficult. It doesn't matter how good your music is, without an audience it's...

Why Artists Should Care about Metadata and Asset Management
It’s no secret that the music industry is plagued with data problems. Incorrect and badly handled metadata is leaving billions on the table (the value of black box royalties is estimated to be $2.5...

The Most Effective Way to Release Your Music in 2020
When teaching or consulting independent bands recently, these are the two groups of questions I get most frequently. “Should I release music for streaming, download, or physical?” and “Should I...

How to Avoid The Biggest Music Career-Killing Mistakes
In my 28+ years as a record producer and founder of The Music Success Workshop, I have learned quite a bit about achieving the goal of making it in the music industry. Along the way I have observed...

How to Guide Career Growth with Beatchain
Beatchain – A Record Company in a Box While building a fanbase is important, it can’t be your full time job when you should be writing, recording, and playing live shows - you know, doing...

PHONOCUT – Cut Your Own Vinyl at Home
A million years ago (the ’90s) when people had big ol’ box computers and brick phones, PCs suddenly could burn CD-Rs, and soon after DVDs, for archives and backups. What initially was meant for...

Here’s What You Could Face Without Liability Insurance
Do You Know The Risks You Run Without Proper Insurance? We’ve written numerous articles on insurance for musicians, covering everything from basic terms and phrases, to specific details about...

Nervous Energy – How To Handle Pre-Gig Nerves
"ROCK CONNECTION" by david leprince is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0 Your heart starts racing, a lump forms in your throat, your palms begin to sweat and your stomach is in knots. These are...

Split Sheets, Getting Paid and You
An Interview with SongSplits CEO Todd Wright If you read this fine magazine, you have read about split sheets. As a songwriter/producer and someone who does music licensing for a living, I...

Indie Data: You Don’t Have to be Big to Reap the Benefits of Good Metadata
Artists who are self-managed, or working with smaller teams or labels, often hear about the data we provide to labels and distributors and ask some variation on the question, “Why do I have to worry...

Playlist Freedom with TuneMyMusic
Playlists are the thing. Playlists are the most important tool of the recorded music business today. That is undeniable. No amount of web advertising, email blasts, radio ads, or even social...