On DIY Values, Punishing Guitars & Pushing Hardcore Into Double-Album Territory Ante Up by...
Performer Magazine
Miles Davis’ “Calypso Frelimo”
Some of the most far-out Davis stuff for you to enjoy on this glorious Funk Friday. Dig?...
The Art of the Dance Accompanist
An Inside Look at a Ballet Pianist’s Process Deep in the heart of Music City, USA lives a...
Spotlight: City Rain
Washing Away Misconceptions of Electronic Music Genre: Electro-Rock Hometown: Philadelphia, PA Artistic Approach: Balancing textured sounds and catchy beats. URL: cityraintunes.bandcamp.com It’s...
Spotlight: Cancer Killing Gemini
Releasing One Song a Month, Forever Genre: Electro-Avant-Rock Hometown: Boston, MA Artistic Approach: To stay fresh by constantly releasing new music. Website: www.cancerkillinggemini.com While an...
Spotlight: Tonight Alive
Addictive Blend of Bulletproof Instrumentation and Upbeat Vocal Attitude Genre: Pop Punk Hometown: Sydney, Australia Artistic Approach: Mixing pop-punk aggro with crisp production. URL:...
Interview: Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s
Streamlining Their Sound & Re-Evaluates Rock Orchestration photos by Stephanie Bassos Richard Edwards, the primary songwriter/vocalist/guitarist behind the Indianapolis band Margot & The...
A Severe Joy: Going Solo to Make Touring More Practical
photos by Stephen Quirk José Ayerve (pre-anagram artist who is A Severe Joy) has certainly experienced his share of the severe, but...
Interview with Gift of Gab
Pioneering MC on Lyrical Craftsmanship, His Upcoming Album, and a New Approach to Songwriting photos by Maria Grace Abuzman The...
Funk Friday with the Bar-Kays
Happy Funk Friday, y'all! Enjoy the bootylicious sounds of the Bar-Kays! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfK1IPLpcqs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMbc8L07Opc&feature=fvwrel...
Spotlight on Alabama Shakes
Genre: Indie/Blues/Southern Rock/Soul Hometown: Athens, AL Artistic Approach: Passion for Blues/R&B and LOUD rock. http://www.alabamashakes.com/ For a group that’s only been together a little...
Spotlight on Sóley
Her solo work is a stark change from the sounds of Seabear, the cheerful and poppy Icelandic septet she’s been a part of for the past five years. Even her song titles will tell you something about...
Lady Lamb the Beekeeper: April 2012 Cover Story
If you’ve ever seen Lady Lamb the Beekeeper perform, she likely began her set by standing center stage unaccompanied and belting, “I want...