Performer Magazine

20 Ways to Better Promote College Gigs

What is the secret to being successful in the college entertainment market?  Here we provide tips and tricks of how to assure that you are playing to a full house, and that your name is spread positively to potential repeat business, or better, recommendations! 


There is clearly one large mistake that many musicians make once they have landed that coveted college gig: once they secure the gig, they think their work is done.  Sadly this is not true. You cannot assume, or worse, rely on the school to promote your act.  Remember that you are dealing with students who work in the campus activities department part time.  They are not professional event planners, and for the most part, are learning the proverbial ropes themselves.  Although they may be well intentioned, their ability to successfully promote your event is like a crapshoot.  Therefore your job is to promote yourself, both on and off campus. (Read that again.)  You are also well-advised to make the job of the campus activities staff easy, and when possible, educate the students on how to complete certain tasks, especially surrounding promotion of your event.


On-campus promotion is characteristically an area where artists fall short. You’d be wise to turn yourself into an on-campus promotional machine. Granted, this task may seem a bit daunting, so here is a great list of effective on-campus promotional techniques.

1. Posters, puts lots of them around campus. Before your event, send a bunch to the campus staff and ask them to hang them up around the school.  A few noteworthy items about the posters:

If an alcoholic beverage company sponsors you, make sure that you have two separate sets of posters printed: one for alcohol-acceptable events and one for non-alcoholic events.  Promoting alcohol on a college campus is a BIG NO NO. Colleges are very RISK AVERSE; anything “of questionable content” will be disallowed.

When the posters are printed, make sure to leave a blank area at the bottom, at least 3-4 inches so the students can write the dates of your appearance.  It’s OK to go low-tech on campus; there is no need to invest a lot of money in expensive, elaborate posters. If you are tight on funds, you can even go so far as to have your info printed, in large letters, on an 8.5×11” piece of paper. Think “poor-man’s poster.”

2. If possible, make sure your appearance on campus coincides with important dates on campus.

For example, orientation week, spring fling, recognition day, homecoming, “fill in the blank” event, etc.  Colleges tend to book events that correspond to themes, or special days on campus.

3. Target specific groups or clubs on campus.  Email and ask them to attend your event. Visit the school’s website; look up Fraternities, Sororities, First Year Students, RAs, Peer Groups, Student Leaders, Student Government, and Athletic Teams, since they are all great candidates.  Granted, contacting each group is time consuming, but worth the effort. Send those who respond promo CDs as a thank you.

4. Depending on your niche, sometimes you can make the program mandatory since some schools mandate certain events to specific groups. This is a blessing and a curse.  Students are not too fond of required events, but if your program is a hit you can increase your exposure in a positive way.

5. Try your best to have your event happen around Orientation, or Welcome Week.  This time frame is considered prime time since the first week of the semester is jam-packed with events.  Tip – MARKET yourself as a Welcome Week, Orientation event act, etc. as well.

6. If the budget is tight in the Student Activities office, reach out to other departments to see if they would be willing to share expenses.  For instance, have Student Activities and the Greek Life departments share the costs.

7. Promote the program for both men and women (again, this applies to your niche).

8. Place table tents or small displays on each table in the cafeteria or student center.

9. Advertise in the campus paper and/or run an ad with the campus radio station. Bonus – get the station to interview you prior to the event.

10. Make the event open to the public.

11. Contact the local newspaper, blogs, alt-weeklies and ‘zines; invite them to run a press release promoting your event.

12. Invite other schools to attend.  Or promote on nearby campuses, if possible.

13. Invite faculty and other school employees and encourage them to bring family members.

14. Some schools offer students extra credit for attending events. Check with the Student Activities office to see if this is applicable and what protocols are used.

15. Encourage RAs to bring the people in their residence hall to the event.  Promote the event as a “dorm night out.”

16. If you can afford it, or work it into the event budget, provide pizza, snacks or other freebies as a way to entice people.

17. Send a bunch of free t-shirts to campus before the event, and ask people to wear them.

Think of it as turning people into walking billboards; plus, college kids love free shirts (less laundry).

18. Even though this point is similar to point #14, make the event eligible for reward points if the campus offers point-based accreditation, or an incentive system.

19. Campus Social Media is also another vehicle for promotion.  Make sure you ask the school to promote your act on their Student Activities blog, link to any YouTube content, etc.  Subsequently, professors often have Facebook and LinkedIn profiles.  If you are feeling brave, hit them up and ask them to bring the class.

20. Get your event posted on the event calendar for the school.  Despite being a no-brainer, this is often overlooked.

21. Use a pre-event (ethical) email guerilla-tactics; an email strategy worth its weight in gold. When you play it right, you can pack the house, and in turn the Student Activities office will adore you since you have played a big hand in helping them achieve their goal of hosting successful events.  Giving them ready-made materials will score major points, as well.  Bear in mind that schools will not give out the email addresses of students, they will, however, forward emails on your behalf.

Below are some sample pre-event emails you can use for promoting your event. The campaign should begin at least three weeks prior to the performance.

Email 1 | Three weeks prior– On MM/DD/YY a great up-and-coming or well-known band will be on campus.  The event will occur in [EVENT VENUE].  Visit [YOUR WEBSITE HERE] for  more information.

Email 2 | Two weeks prior- In two weeks, don’t miss this awesome event! [BAND] will be visiting our campus for one night, make sure to come out and join the fun.  Visit [YOUR WEBSITE HERE] for more information.

Email 3 | Week of the event– Coming this [DAY OF THE WEEK], [BAND] will be on campus.  The first 50 students will receive free [PROMOTIONAL ITEMS HERE].  Don’t miss out!


If you are fortunate enough to get a college gig, make sure you take full advantage of the opportunity.  The people who book acts run in tight circles, they know people at other schools and often recommend acts they feel are worthwhile.  Creating a reputation of someone who does some of the grunt work will pay dividends down the road.  Take some time, read, re-read and read this list again.  There is a lot of beneficial information contained in the bullet points that, when leveraged properly, increase the odds of playing to a packed house.  The more turnkey you can make event promotion, the more they will appreciate you.  Bear in mind the student activities office has a vested interest as well, since they too are under pressure to put on a packed event.  So in the end, your inconvenience is their convenience, which in turn, can only help to get you booked at other colleges.  Best of luck!

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