Performer Magazine

11 Ways Recording Artists Can Use Twitter To Gain And Retain Followers

1. Tweet your expertise by utilizing hashtags such as #ArtistTip, #MusicMarketing, #PromoTip, #MarketingTip, etc. This is where you can get creative. The recording process is tiring. You probably learned something during the recording process that you can share with other artists (other artists can be your fans!).


2. Establish a hashtag for your album and utilize it in your tweets.



3. Tweet the release of a new album with your followers. Present a Call to Action when you are tweeting your single, album, etc (i.e., Download This, New Music Available, Share This, Buy Now, Please RT, #PleaseRT, Retweet This, Check this Single).



4. Talk to your fans instead of at them.



5. Tweet Instagram links to showcase your personality! SimplyMeasured calls this seamless branding. Seamless branding is a mixture of personal and brand-driven content that allows artists, companies, etc to deviate from selling constantly.



6. Tweet Instagram links that highlight your skill set. This is important. You don’t need a DSLR, a Red camera, etc to do this. Use your Smartphone and share your gift with the world. You can even use your webcam if you want. You can also use Vine as well.



7. Tweet media coverage with your following. Just make sure that you spread it out a bit. You can also tweet show flyers.



8. Tweet your lyrics! You can also Tweet motivational quotes, jokes and more.



9. Tweet pictures with your fans!



10. Tweet about a contest!



11. Tweet facts about yourself.



The goal of this post is to help you dominate Twitter. I want to see more artists talking to their audience instead of at their audience.


I want to see your Timeline consist of substance. Share with us why you created your album, share with us the guests on the album, share with us your mindset when you created the album, share with us some of the obstacles that you dealt with.

The key is being transparent and refraining from pitching links all the time. Maximize your Twitter Bio, find your audience on Twitter using Twitter Search, join or start a (Twitter Chat), engage more with your fans by asking questions showing that you are interested in them and just be human.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. If you find the information valuable please share it.

By: Patrick McNease
Blogger –


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