Performer Magazine

Record Review: The River Neva

The River Neva
Chemistry of Holocaust
Worcester, MA


“Modern melodic progressive metal”

The River Neva is just releasing their first EP, Chemistry of Holocaust, but the material sounds like it’s from a band with much more experience. The music is as multi-faceted as you would expect from a progressive metal band, with influences from several styles mixed into each song. The complexity of the tracks allows you to listen to them again and again and always find something new and surprising in them. Some bands in this genre fall victim to overly complicating things, making music for other musicians where as The River Neva manages to focus their music to the audience.

The EP was produced by Rob Gil, who has also worked with bands like Hatebreed, Unearth and Shadows Fall, and you can hear and feel his experience and attention to details. The guitars of Grizz Gagnon and Chris Abbott are crisp, crunchy and accurate. The guys complement each other, especially in the death-like two guitar switch-riffs. The bass of Jake O’Connor sounds deep and clear. The set is completed with steady drumming by Erik Zarazinski and Trey Holton on vocals, who can deliver deep grunts, high-pitched screams as well as clear singing. Overall the album is a joy to listen and we all will hear more from The River Neva.

Produced by Rob Gil

Mastered by Ettore Rigotti

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