I don’t know what to say about The Indobox, because they never make any immense impression on me, regardless of how often I see them perform. They are dance-oriented, with good harmonies, a tight live show, and fun covers (including MGMT, Talking Heads, and Britney Spears). If anything, it’s that The Indobox is too predictable.
The band markets themselves as dance-rock melding synths, psychedelic guitar work, and catchy beats to create their sound. They look at themselves as simply as I do, except I think they are over-saturated with a pop mentality that stunts their growth as a band. Accessible and fun, yes. Will they go places? With a formula like that, perhaps. They’re good for younger crowds, and their evening slot the day TBU started was perfect. They drew a good crowd, and created a suitable mood for Dirty Paris to lead into Marco Benevento’s headlining set.
journalism by M E G A L O M A N D E E