Kung Fu is an eclectic outfit of seasoned, well-played, innovative musicians – a super collective hailing ties to The Breakfast, RAQ, Deep Banana Blackout, and Scofield. Putting Kung Fu on in the evening woke the festival up early. Guitarist Rob Compa (Dopapod) joined them on stage in what turned into a heady electric battle between a long-standing badass and an up-and-coming prodigy.
Kung Fu plays seriously rocking funk music. They serve up funk that attacks you with aggressive virtuosity and innovation. The band creates a new way to experience jazz/funk fusion, and have come alive this summer with music that is playful, stomping, and psychedelic. Their compositional genius is born within their desire to create a home for themselves in this act, and it shows.
journalism by M E G A L O M A N D E E