Before their set, Consider The Source wasn’t entirely sure what kind of crowd they would draw at 2pm on the last day of the festival. By the time they took the stage, people had already gathered, lightly filling much of the concert area. With the previous day’s cloudy weather and thunderstorms behind, and a bright sun-filled sky to welcome them, the entire festival was out in celebration just in time for CTS’ set. Consider The Source’s sci-fi, Middle Eastern, prog-rock is marked in all white and surrounded by shred. Double neck fretless guitars in pedal heaven, aggressive, rhythmic slap bass, and the powerful combination of electronics and live drums is Consider The Source’s sensual heaven. Look at their faces, watch them perform below. You’ll see what I mean.
Consider The Source at The Big Up 2011:
Just a taste of what Gabriel Marin can do with that guitar:
journalism by M E G A L O M A N D E E