Performer Magazine

Judgement Day

“String metal san guitars”

Polar Shift

San Francisco, CA

(minus HEAD Records)

Some Performer readers may already be familiar with the trio that is Judgement Day (see their cover story in our August 2010 issue). The NorCal string metal band (brothers Anton and Lewis Patzner, plus Jon Bush) are back on the map with their fourth and latest release Polar Shift.  The band continues to grow with their “no guitar” policy, featuring only cello, violin and drums. Needless to say, this 14-song album takes the listener on an exotic journey.

Many of the tracks on the record sound fit for the score of a fantasy, sci-fi, or horror movie.  The album starts off with the haunting, yet up-tempo “Ghost Hunt.” The second track, “Demon Fire,” features heavy and dark tones and a marching-toward-you ominous feel. The short but sweet “Common Denominator” is a good lead-in to the next multi-layered track, “The Jump.” Another highlight, found toward the end of the collection, is the uplifting “Darmok.” This band proves that you can make metal with a cello and a violin and the group balances themselves properly throughout the album, providing energetic runs and some pauses to catch your breath.

You’ll likely find yourself listening mouth agape after hearing the sounds that come out of the Patzner brothers’ stringed instruments. They call it “string metal.” It’s definitely string, it may or may not be metal, but you can be the judge. Either way it’s entertaining as hell.

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