Performer Magazine

Chris McFarland

Beauty and Undertow

Brooklyn, NY

(End Up Records)

“Haunting, powerful melodies. Emotions spill with indie acoustic rock”

“Time for Us” begins with the beauty of sultry acoustic guitars, blending in with raw, unrestricted vocals. Moods and atmosphere of loss and loneliness shine in the songs, churning lovingly into a message of hope and the mindset of not giving up. The varying tempos of the tracks aid in bringing about feelings of longing. The songs are powerfully scored and written, and with stellar production, the emotions conveyed can be easily recognized.

Inspired by artists in the realm of Ben Kweller, the Replacements, and Goo Goo Dolls, McFarland delivers a promising effort in shaping these storyteller melodies of life, love and romance.  “Don’t go wasting your life, trying to fix things,” McFarland sings humbly in “Wild Abandon,” sustained by scintillating percussion, energetically buzzing guitars and animated bass tones.

What’s perhaps most striking in the playing of Beauty and Undertow is McFarland’s melancholy, poignant vocals that complete his trademark sound. He seems to bring you to the undertow of the ocean’s waves on “Cancer” and “Song for Every Girl,” taking your heartstrings and drawing you in with his beauty. With songs of ambition, newfound clarity and the seeking of a faith-filled concept, McFarland genuinely delivers during much of the record, complete with soaring moments that make one’s hairs stand on end. A soothing, reassuring listen and overall, a noteworthy work of music.

Produced, Mixed & Engineered by Brian Bender

Assisted by Jon Anderson

Mastered by Nathan James at Vault Mastering

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