Performer Magazine

Top 10 Overlooked Rock Movies (and Why We Love ’Em)

Want to check out a cool rock and roll flick? Sure, you’ve got Quadrophenia and The Song Remains The Same, or maybe you could put on The Wall. But there’s a whole world of underappreciated and overlooked music films out there; these are just a few of our favorites. Enjoy!

A Band Called Death (2012)

A new entry on the list, this amazing documentary chronicles the journey of an African-American proto-punk band in 1970s Detroit. Released by Drafthouse Films, don’t miss it when it screens in a town near you, or when it hits DVD/Blu-ray later this summer.

Eddie and The Cruisers (1983)

Eddie and the Cruisers (1983) Trailer

You want mystery? You want intrigue? You want the best fake 1960s rock and roll Hollywood has to offer? You got it, all wrapped up into an unjustly forgotten faux-biopic, complete with a Springsteen-approved humdinger of a theme song.

I Think We’re Alone Now (2008)

I THINK WE'RE ALONE NOW Trailer - Over the Top Fest 2008

This creep-tastic documentary follows two über Tiffany fans (yep, Tiffany) and their mega-strange, middle-aged obsession with the former teen idol. Lock up your daughters and steer clear of the mall, because this shit gets weird.

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains (1982)

Ladies & Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains Trailer

New Wave glory and early-’80s teen melodrama all caught on celluloid, and brought to you by Lou Adler. Watch it for early appearances by Diane Lane and Laura Dern, as well as the super-happy MTV ending, which really makes no sense when you think about it.

Last Days Here (2011)

What happens when you pioneer heavy metal, take lots of drugs and end up homeless? Well, it’s not gonna be pretty, but that exactly what you get in this heartbreaking account of Pentagram’s forgotten lead singer, Bobby Liebling.

Muriel’s Wedding (1994)

This Aussie export is filled to the brim with classic ABBA tunes, and we make no apologies for our ABBA love around here. Starring Toni Collette, you’ll walk away obsessively saying, “You’re terrible, Muriel,” in your worst Australian accent. Trust us.

Rock ‘N’ Roll High School Forever (1991)

Nope, this sequel doesn’t feature a single Ramone, but what it lacks in Ramones it more than makes up for in Corey Feldman. That’s right, with the Feld-dog at the helm, can high school rock movies get any better? We don’t think so.

Rock & Rule (1983)

Did you dig Heavy Metal? Well, this is the other early-’80s-animated-Canadian-sci-fi-rock-movie. Yep, there was another, and this one featured drug use, Satan worship, and killer tracks by Iggy Pop, Cheap Trick and Lou Reed. Pick it up on VHS if you wanna be cool.

The Rock-afire Explosion (2008)

Ever wonder what happened to those animatronic bears that scared the crap out of you at your local pizza parlor when you were a kid? Well, wonder no more, as this film delves into the complete aftermath of the Rock-afire Explosion’s exquisite implosion.

Starstruck (1982)

Another Aussie pick, this one comes from the wonderful age of post-disco, post-punk New Wave, and tells the tale of the Sydney “music biz” circa 1982. Great songs, wild fashion, and the best under-the-stairs dance sequence ever. You’ll see…

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