Performer Magazine

VINYL OF THE MONTH: MUUY BIIEN – “This is What Your Mind Imagines”

Hailing from Athens, GA, the awkwardly spelled Muuy Biien spews forth a distorted, garage-infused bombast of electric sludge: junk punk, if you will.

It’s fast, it’s hardcore, and it’s everything you want loud, obnoxious rock and roll to be. In a word: glorious.

Think Minor Threat meets herky-jerky New Wave…kinda. In any event, tracks move quickly, guitars roar with great vengeance and furious anger, and vocals bleed into the mix like a combination of bullhorn protests and Wire-esque jabs and jolts.

It’s hard to pick a standout track as so much of the record flies by before you’ve had a chance to digest it, but that’s not a bad thing. In fact, the onslaught is broken up by a few ambient intermission tracks, labeled “Emesis” parts I-III, well-placed respites from the nonstop assault of the rest of the album.

Make no mistake; Muuy Biien’s new LP is one to check out, especially if you like your punk aggressive and you don’t mind a few bloody eardrums.

This is What Your Mind Imagines
Athens, GA
(HHBTM Records)

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